Ride one is done! In this video, P.L. & Kristen share untold stories and events from the Tour Divide ride, and answer frequentley asked questions! They’ll also give a full fundraising update, and an inside look on future plans and events for C5TS.
Although this was not part of our plan, we could not help but join Daniel Burgi, founder of Himalayan Life (one of our 5 charities), to cycle approximately 1000km with approximately 20,000 meters of climbing to visit 5 locations in Nepal where they are transforming lives.
They’ve done it! PL and Kristen have made it to the Mexico border! In this video, we’ll cover the last few days of the ride, the finish and the journey back home!
PL and Kristen have crossed into New Mexico and are closing in on the finish line! The final stretch is far from easy though. High elevations, extreme heat and little water are just a few things they face in the desert.
Week four is in the books! Down through southern Wyoming and into Colorado, PL and Kristen are past the halfway point! In this update you’ll see the different challenges and advantages that come with riding in the desert!
Week 3 was a wild one! Join PL and Kristen as they continue South towards the Mexico Border! In this video you’ll see beautiful landscapes, crazy weather and more!
PL and Kristen are one week into their first ride in North America! In this video you’ll find all the details, including some things we never expected to happen!
The call of the needs of people around the globe coupled with that desire to get back on the bike was the genesis of what has become a most unusual philanthropic event.